Thursday, October 3, 2013


Bible Word Study

In the courtroom of Heaven, the only acceptable Law is the Word of God. Now, even though the Judge is your Heavenly Father and He desires to rule in your favor, He can only do so if you base your case on promises and precedent from the Bible.

Isaiah 55:11
How does this verse relate to pleading your case?

Philippians 4:6
What should your attitude be as you go before the Throne? 

1 John 5:14-15
How do we strengthen our faith so that we can believe our prayers are answered?

Pleading Your Case:
Petitioning The Heavenly Judge
"I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins. Put Me in remembrance; let us contend together; state your case, that you may be acquitted." Isaiah 43:25, 26


To put God in remembrance means that as a covenant believer, you can stand before the throne of God when you pray and remind God of His promises. You can lay your case legally before Him and plead your case as a lawyer would plead his case before a judge. God is inviting you to put Him in remembrance of His Word. He is asking you to lay your case before Him and plead your covenant rights before Him using the legal precedence of His Word.

Your job in prayer is to hold God's Word before Him and keep it there until that Word is manifested in the person or situation for which you are praying. You are to put together an airtight case based on the specific scriptures and to keep pleading that case in the court of heaven until your adversary, the devil, gives up and goes home.

When God says, "Put Me in remembrance," He's not telling you to remind Him of what a great person you are or how very much you want your prayer answered. He is telling you to put Him in remembrance of His Word. For according to divine law, that Word is the only plea to which He can respond.


By standing on God's Word and pleading your case with Him. You find definite scriptures that promise what you need and continue to put God in remembrance of His Word according to your covenant rights. As you stand on God's Word and plead your case based on His promises, God will work on your behalf.

Be Specific

You can't plead your case based on a general belief in the Bible. You have to be specific. You have to study the Scriptures and find out exactly what you can expect God to do in your particular situation. Because God's Word abides in you, you can ask according to His Word and receive answers to your prayers. The greatest answers to prayer occur as a result of bringing God's Word to Him and reminding Him of what He said in His Word.

You're Not Alone

You don't have to present your case without the help of the Holy Spirit. One of His names is Advocate. As your Advocate, the Holy Spirit will lead you to the scriptures you need. He'll quicken them to your heart. He'll help you bring forth your case with such eloquence (both in other tongues and with your understanding) that the devil won't stand a chance against you. Then He'll help you stand strong until your case is fully won.

You Have A Right To Be There

Your right-standing with God gives you the right to plead your case before God without a sense of guilt, sin or condemnation. There is a confidence you experience, knowing that you will receive when you ask in faith, believing. Jesus made you the righteousness of God in Him. He put you in a position where you can stand in God's Presence. That's why you can boldly go unto the throne of grace; because He's made you righteous (Hebrews 4:16). The newborn babe in Christ has as good a standing with God and can get an answer to prayer just as quickly as the mature saint who has lived many years for God.

WORD STUDY- Dig Deeper
Look up the following words:

1. Remembrance

2. Let Us Contend

3. State Your Case


Every time you pray you must believe your prayers change things in the realm of the spirit even if you cannot yet see evidence of those changes in the natural world. You must believe God heard you and went to work on your behalf. Hold fast to the promise that His Word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11). But you must also understand there are forces of darkness working to hinder the answer to your prayer, and so you must be willing to stick with the process until you've prayed the answer all the way through.

To keep praying in faith in spite of all the adverse circumstances and negative reports that often come along, you must not only know what the Bible promises you, you must see a clear inner image of that promise being fulfilled. It must shine within you so brightly it chases away every shadow of doubt. Always remember that He hears you, He loves you, and He wants to meet your needs. 

Pleading Your Case Scriptures

Isaiah 55:11
John 16:23
Philippians 4:6
Hebrews 4:16
Matthew 21:22
Mark 11:24
1 John 5:14-15
Psalm 27:14
Jeremiah 1:1

Further Scriptures

Isaiah 62:6-7
1 John 2:1


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