Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Pledge of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance

"I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all".

Swearing an Oath

An oath (from Anglo-Saxon āð, also called plight) is either a statement of fact or a promise calling upon something or someone that the oath maker considers sacred, usually God, as a witness to the binding nature of the promise or the truth of the statement of fact. To swear is to take an oath, to make a solemn vow. Those who conscientiously object to making an oath will often make an affirmation instead.

The essence of a divine oath is an invocation of divine agency to be a guarantor of the oath taker's own honesty and integrity in the matter under question. By implication, this invokes divine displeasure if the oath taker fails in their sworn duties. It therefore implies greater care than usual in the act of the performance of one's duty.

A person taking an oath indicates this in a number of ways. The most usual is the explicit "I swear," but any statement or promise that includes "with * as my witness" or "so help me *," with '*' being something or someone the oath-taker holds sacred, is an oath. Many people take an oath by holding in their hand or placing over their head a book of scripture or a sacred object, thus indicating the sacred witness through their action: such an oath is called corporal. However, the chief purpose of such an act is for ceremony or solemnity, and the act does not of itself make an oath.

The Pledge

According to the Flag Code, the Pledge "should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute."

I pledge allegiance (I promise to be true)

to the flag (to the symbol of our country)

of the United States of America (each state that has joined to make our country)

and to the Republic (a republic is a country where the people choose others to make laws for them -- the government is “of, by and for” the people)

for which it stands,”  (the flag means the country)

one nation (a single country)

under God,”  (the people belief in a supreme being)

indivisible,”  (the country cannot be split into parts)

with Liberty and Justice (with freedom and fairness)

for all.”  (for each person in this great country ... you and me!)

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