Thursday, April 25, 2013

Living Life In the Vine

A Life of Weeds and Roses

“The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.  It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing…” Isaiah 35:1-2

God says that your wilderness will blossom, and not just blossom, but it will blossom “abundantly.”  Can you claim and receive into your spirit this Word today from the Book of Isaiah?

If so, but you really are not seeing the evidence of it in your life, then dig around a little in your rose garden and see if you have believed any lies about yourself or lies about those around you. Lies from the enemy will stunt your growth. A lack of peace and a stunted spiritual growth are symptoms that nasty little weed lies have been embraced; rooted and have allowed to grow. And we can not have that; can we?

Just as a natural rose garden must be cleared of the weeds and debris, the heart needs to be cleared of any lies we have believed. Lies we have believed about ourselves and lies we have believed about others.

Did you know that every thought that you have is not your own?

Thoughts like: “I’m worthless”, “I can’t do anything right”, “I’m not good enough,” or "he'll never change" are not from God, they are from the enemy. The enemy plants thoughts like these into our minds and we embrace them fully as if they were  the truth. If you believe his lies, they can choke out the truth; much like weeds choke out the life in the garden. Believing lies will utterly destroy your life. Lies will kill your life. Lies will steal your life. Lies just plain make you miserable. 

These weeds in your garden must be pulled out so the roses can grow. But not just grow but flourish in abundance. To break out in joy and song.

Look to your own garden. What is growing in it, roses or weeds? If your life is not in full bloom, clear out every the lie you have believed and you will soon blossom abundantly.

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