Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Right Spirit

Fresh and Clean

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”  Psalm 51:10

This is THE “Upright Heart” cry; a prayer I have learned that I must pray each and every single day if I am to enjoy peace, joy and all manner of blessings within and without.

Each day of our life we collect clutter in our hearts. The clutter that comes from the cares of the world, and emotions we feel when people hurt or disappointment us and when things don't turn out exactly the way we planned. Harsh thoughts and bad feelings can pile up like a mountain in just one day if we let them.  You must release them, you must let them go, and you must take every thought captive - each and every day. 

The Lord is waiting for you to whisper the “Upright Spirit, Clean Heart” cry of prayer right now.  And He promises  "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." (Ezekiel 36:26)

We can lift our heart to the Lord every night, and within a few moments, we can release the burdens and disappointments of an entire day.  When we release all the disappointments of yesterday, we clean out the closet, making ready for the blessings of the new day.  God is a loving Father, and He always has blessings in store for those who are ready to receive them. 

If you are a parent think how it would feel, if you told your children to clean out their closet, and make room for all brand new gifts and yet they choose to hang on to what they have - in spite of the majority of it being  junk. Packing the junk down tighter in the closet so that they may continue to add even more junk to it. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense; does it? Children know that is far better to have new gifts than old junk but adults ... not so much.

Why would anyone choose to keep old junk instead of receiving new gifts? The short answer is fear.

Fear” will stop you from cleaning your closet. The spirit of fear is in charge of all the junk.  Fear created it and doesn’t want anyone to mess with it! You won’t get rid of junk until you kick fear out the door and tell him to go. Until you release the power of Jesus over the fear in your life then you are going to stay trapped in a closet of junk. 

A fresh, clean closet makes room for a whole lot of new gifts. Let's start cleaning today! Amen?!

When we unpack our closet of junk and release our burdens to the Lord, it prepares our heart to receive His daily blessings; a fresh Word, a divine opportunity, or who knows what? I mean; really! Our Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10) so it is nothing for Him to rain down all kinds of blessings on your head- but only if you have the room to receive them.  How much room do you have in your heart for God's blessings? 

John the Baptist cried out; “Prepare ye the way for the Lord.” (Mark 1:3, Luke 3:4, John 1:23, Matthew 3:3, Isaiah 40:3) and his voice resounded mightily through a thousand deserts and valleys. We prepare the way for the Lord when we first prepare our hearts to receive what God has for us.

Open your heart; release all the junk in it and make way for the Lord!

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