Thursday, February 7, 2013

Who Am I?

The Journey to Me

“You will show me the path of life.” Psalm 16:11

The Lord led the Psalmist David on an incredible journey. In Psalm 16:11, David said God had shown him “The path of life.” This path led him from his earthly father’s house to God’s Kingdom- and of course towards fulfilling his purpose as king of Israel. 

David declared in Psalm 23:6 that he would dwell in the house of the Lord forever. You had/have your earthly father’s house and you have your Heavenly Father’s house where you live out the purpose God created you for. You earthly father's house is the place of preparation for life. Your Heavenly Father's House is the place where you live out your full identity and purpose for being born. However, many people have not yet discovered the joy of living and operating in their full identity and purpose.

* Study the following Scriptures and determine if you are living in the past or the future that God has for you:

Galatians 4:1

1 Corinthians 13:11

Jeremiah 6:14

Luke 4:18

Heb 3:7- 8

Hebrews 3: 9-10

Eph 2:2-3

* Study the follow Scriptures and see that living in future that God has for you means you are operating in your purpose.

You will know God as Father - 1 John 5:20

You will know what it means to be a son or daughter -1 John 4:6

You will know His love -1 John 4-7-8

You will know how to dwell in His love -1 John 4 12-18

You will understand what it means to be chosen for a specific purpose -Eph 1:4-5

You will know the leading of the Holy Spirit - Romans 8:14-17

You will know what it means to be an Heir - Eph 5:1-7

You will understand what living in purpose requires - Eph 1:1, Eph 4:1

You will have a seat at the table “Seated in Heavenly Places” - Eph 1:20, 2:6

You’re true Identity will be revealed - Eph 1:5, Galatians 4:5

* Take the time to look up these scriptures and apply them to your life.

Have You Discovered Your True Identity?

Everyone is born with a desire to know what God had in mind when He created them. This leads to two questions, “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?” These two questions apply to every race, gender, and generation. Every person that desires to discover their true identity must find the answer to these questions. Some people ask and some don’t. Instead of asking they quietly seek for the answers but all the while the deep longing causes them so much unrest. They may strive, over-work and over-achieve trying to get a sense of worth. But without a revelation of our own identity we cannot have the peace and satisfaction that comes as our destiny unfolds.

Have you come to a peace about your true identity?  If not, ask God to open the eyes of your understanding so you can fully see and embrace who God created you to be. He has given you a unique identity, but you must press in to a deeper relationship with Him to discover it. God may be waiting on you to embrace your identity so that He can promote you in His Kingdom and reveal you as His own.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. Romans 8:28-30

Dearest Father God,

I  long to know my true identity and purpose. Help me as I read these scriptures, to know if I am still stuck in the past and to learn how to operate in the purpose and plan that You have for me. My desire is to receive Your full blessing as Your son/daughter. Lead me along the Path of Life as you did King David. Thank You that I am uniquely and wonderfully made and that You have a plan and a purpose for my life. I admit that I have struggled with knowing who I am, why I am here and with knowing my identify and purpose. Today, Lord, open the eyes of my understanding to fully see and to embrace who You created me to be. I want to walk in Your will, plan and purpose for my life.

In Jesus Name, Amen

* Further reading: Psalm 139, Jeremiah 1:4-10; 29:11-12

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