Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sanctified & Set Apart

Set Apart

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew (chose) you,
before you were born I set you apart (sanctified you).”   
Jeremiah 1:5 


In this verse, God told Jeremiah that his identity was determined even before he was in his mother’s womb. God created him to be a prophet; one who would carry forth His Word. Jeremiah was set apart for God’s purpose and he embraced it. 

Like Jeremiah, the unique way God has created you is in line with His plan and purpose for your life. Just as a bird is created to fly swiftly through the heavens, you have been created to move forward in your purpose. God would not have created birds to fly and not give them wings. He did not create you without equipping you with a capacity to accomplish all He has created you to do.

If He has given you a dream or a vision that is burning on the inside, rest assured that He has created you in a very unique way with special gifts, abilities, and provision to accomplish what He has called you to do. But, like the children of Israel you may need to step into it before the water parts.

God told Jeremiah he was sanctified and ordained for his calling. To be sanctified means to be set apart from the world; set apart for a specific purpose. You too have been set apart, don’t run from it, embrace it and receive all He has for you.

Heavenly Father,

hank You for the gifts You have placed within me and the calling You have on my life. I receive this calling and I embrace who You created me to be. I choose to be set apart for Your purpose. I choose to walk by faith and believe that You will provide everything needed for this vision to be fulfilled.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Peep a Boo- I see You

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