Thursday, December 6, 2012

Holidays in December - Usual/Unusual/Odd

Unusual Holidays in December

We all know that Christmas is celebrated on December 25th, but did you know that December 18th this year is Roast Suckling Pig Day? Read on for some little known holidays celebrated this month that would add something extra to your life story.

Animal Holidays

December 2 - is National Mutt Day. Spend this day with your faithful mutt and make him or her feel special.

December 14 - is Monkey Day. How does one celebrate Monkey Day? Why, you scream like a monkey and scratch your armpits!

December 15 - is Cat Herders Day, although I don't really think it is about herding cats. That is a nearly impossible task, so maybe this is a day when you should take on things that you think may be unachievable.

Career Days

December 6 - is Miner's Day. Every miner, past and present, is honored on this day.

December 9 - is National Salesperson Day. On this day, you should tell your your check-out clerks, your car salesman, your insurance rep, etc., just how much you appreciate them.

Christmas Related Holidays

December 6 – St. Nicholas Day

December 19 - Look for an Evergreen Day, is the day to go out and find your perfect Christmas tree.

December 20 – Hanukkah
December 20 – Go Caroling Day

December 21 - is Humbug Day. If you are in the midst of Christmas preparations, this is a day for you to vent your frustrations and let go of the stress they bring.

December 22 – National Re-gifting Day

December 25 – Jesus is born! How delightful is that?!

December 30 - is Falling Needles Family Fest Day. Today is time for you and your family members to get rid of the tree you went out and found on Look for an Evergreen Day.

December 31 Holidays

December 31 - is New Year's Eve, but there are also other things to celebrate on this day. On this day, you can also celebrate the following:

Make Up Your Mind Day - On this, the last day of the year, it is time to make up your mind. You know those things you've been procrastinating making a decision on? Well, now is the time to decide once and for all.

No Interruptions Day - This is the day to get of all the modern conveniences that unfortunately distract you from what you should be doing. Time to turn off the cell phone, the television, the DVD player, the radio – well, you get the idea. It might surprise you all you can get done if you aren't distracted so much of the time.

Leap Second Time Adjustment Day - This is the day that a leap second is either added to or subtracted from the world clock.

Unlucky Day - Remember all of the bad things that happened this past year? Now is the time to finish them up and get rid of them so that you can start the new year with a clean slate? Need to apologize to someone for something bad you've done? Now is the the time to do so. Is there someone you need to forgive, someone whose been begging for your forgiveness? Now is the time.

Haven't gotten enough yet? Read on then for even more unusual holidays in December ...

More Unusual Holidays in December

Household/Clothing Holidays

December 3 - is Earmuff Day or Chester Greenwood Day – What does Chester Greenwood have to do with earmuffs? He is the one who invented them. He grew frustrated at his inability to keep his ears warm while testing out a new pair of ice skates in the freezing cold temperatures of Farmington, Maine. He made two ear shaped loops of wire and asked his grandmother to sew fur on them. He patented an improved model of this, which had a steel band to hold the fur-covered loops on the ears. They were originally called Greenwood's Champion Ear Protectors.

December 3 - National Roof Over Your Head Day, is the day to give thanks if you have a place to live.

December 4 - is Wear Brown Shoes Day. Maybe this day was created by someone who always wore black shoes and just simply grew tired of them. The true origins of this day is a mystery.

December 5 – Bathtub Party Day Spend the day just soaking your cares away. Of course it always helps to have a good book and a glass (or two) of wine while you do.

December 6 - is Put on Your Own Shoes Day. My guess is that this holiday was created by a mom who had grown tired of helping her young child put on his shoes. What do you think?

Food /Drink Holidays

December 1 – Eat a Red Apple Day
December 2 – National Fritters Day
December 4 – National Cookie Day
December 5 is Repeal Day. This day celebrates the repeal of Prohibition on December 5, 1933.
December 7 – National Cotton Candy Day
December 8 – National Brownie Day
December 9 – National Pastry Day
December 11 – National Noodle Ring Day
December 13 – Ice Cream Day
December 14 – National Bouillabaisse Day
December 15 – National Lemon Cupcake Day
December 16 – National Chocolate-covered Anything Day
December 17 – National maple Syrup Day
December 18 – Bake Cookies Day
December 18 – Roast Suckling Pig Day
December 19 – Oatmeal Muffin Day
December 20 – National Date Nut Bread Day
December 24 – National Egg Nog Day
December 25 – National Pumpkin Pie Day
December 26 – National Candy Cane Day
December 27 – National Fruitcake Day
December 30 – National Bacon Day

Game/Pastimes Holidays

December 4 – National Dice Day
December 21 – Crossword Puzzle Day
December 12 - National Ding-a-Ling Day, is a day to cut loose and act just a little weird.
December 27 – Make Cut Out Snowflake Day
December 28 – Card Playing Day

Musical Holidays

December 13 – Violin Day

Writing/Reading Holidays

December 4 - is Santa's Letter Day. A good way to get your children interested in writing, this is the day to write your letter to Santa and tell him what you want for Christmas.

December 7 - is Letter Writing Day. Remember when you had to handwrite each and every letter? Not many do that anymore; most simply send them through email. A handwritten letter is so much more personal, why not take the time today to sit down and write a letter to that special person?

December 10 - is Dewey Decimal System Day, a day that I'm pretty sure every librarian celebrates. Those of us who visit the library should celebrate it, too, since the Dewey Decimal System makes it a breeze for us to find the exact book we are looking for.

December 21 - is Phileas Fogg Win a Wager Day. Phileas Fogg is a character from Around the World in Eighty Days, a book by Jules Verne. He barely won the bet; he made it around the world in 79 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds. With only 1 second to spare, he won £20,000.

December 22 - is National Haiku Poetry Day. This is day for you poetry lovers to write a haiku, a traditional Japanese style poem. A haiku normally has a nature theme, but can be written about anything. One has 3 lines and 17 syllables; there are 5 syllables on the first line, 7 syllables on the second line, and 5 syllables on the third line.

I wrote an example for you, but I am definitely not a poet, so please don't expect too much...

Late Kentucky fall.
Cold, icy rain pouring down.
Almost like winter.

December 26 – National Write a Thank You Note Day

Miscellaneous Holidays

December 8 – Take it in the Ear Day, if you have something to get off of your chest then today is your day to do it.

December 11 – Mountain Day, if you live near one take the time to just admire the beauty of it. Better yet go wander around in it for awhile and seriously get in touch with nature.

December 16 - is Underdog Day, just the day for those of you who always feel like you are the underdog. This is your day to feel superior to all around you.

December 21 - National Flashlight Day, would be a great day to make sure you have enough flashlights and batteries to last through the winter. You might need your flashlight on this, the shortest day of the year. You would also need them if your power went out due to any reason.

December 21 - is also Look on the Bright Side Day. This has nothing to do with sunlight, it has to do with being optimistic. No matter how bad your outlook might be, this is the day to look on the bright side.

December 23 – Festivus- look it up floks. I can't be expected to tell you everything. LOL

December 23 - is Roots Day. Are there pirates in your genealogy? What about royalty? Whoever is present in your genealogy, this is the day to pay tribute to them.

December 26 - is National Whiner's Day. I know, some people act like every day is a day to whine, but today actually is. You have 24 hours to whine about anything and everything. Once the clock hits midnight, though, the whining needs to stop.

December 29 - is Tick Tock Day. The clock is ticking down and your year is about over. Have you accomplished everything this year that you wanted? If not, you might want to get a move on. There are only two days left, then a new year begins.

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