Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Christian Pumpkin Carving

Christian Pumpkin

I am a Jack O' Lantern
My light will shine so bright
For I am a Christian pumpkin
My symbols tell what's right.

My nose is like the cross
on which on Savior died
To set us free from sin
We need no longer hide.

My mouth is like a fish
The whole wide world to show
That Christians live in this house
And love their Savior so!

The story starts at Christmas
My eyes are like the star
That shone on Baby Jesus
And wise men saw from far

My color it is orange
Just like the big bright sun
That rose on Easter Day
Along with God's own Son.

And so on Halloween
Let's set our pumpkins out
And tell the trick or treaters
What God's love is all about!

"Pumpkin Carving Prayer"
~ childrens' activity ~
Dearest God,

As I carve my pumpkin,
Open my mind so I can learn about You;
(Cut the top of the pumpkin)

Take away all my sin and forgive me for the wrong things I do;
(Clean out the inside)

Open my eyes so Your Love I will see;
(Cut eyes shaped like hearts)

I'm sorry for turning up my nose to anything You have given me;
(Cut a nose in the shape of the cross)

Open my ears so Your Word I will hear;
(Cut ears shaped like the Bible)

Open my mouth so I can tell others You're near;
(Cut mouth in the shape of a fish)

Let Your Light shine in all I say and do! Amen.
(Place a candle and light)

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