Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What Does The Holy Word Say?

What Does the Holy Word Say?
Bible Word Study

Your Blessings Are So Many, Lord!

Your blessings are so many, Lord,
To count them one by one
Would take much longer than a day
That has just now only begun!

You fill each day with miracles
From dawn to setting sun.
Each night You hear a million prayers
When Your day's work is done.

You keep this old world spinning
As seasons come and go,
And each one is a masterpiece
That sets our hearts aglow.

You fill the earth with beauty, Lord,
With flowers, shrubs and trees,
And we marvel at Your rainbows
And butterflies and bees.

Your words still give us comfort
For Your promises are true.
Your blessings are so many, Lord,
In everything we do!

Is There A Little .....

Have you ever believed that God was there for you, even when it didn't seem like it? Then there's a little Moses in you.

Have you ever helped a friend be brave? Then there's a little Deborah in you.

Have you ever helped somebody even when nobody else wanted to help them? Then there's a little Good Samaitan in you.

Is there a little Thomas in you? Think you would've believed without proof? Hmmm.

Have you ever:

1. Wondered, even for a second, if God was really there?
2. Wished God would come to you in person so you'd be sure?

It's human to have doubts and want proof. But there are even better blessings in store when we believe without having to "see him in person." Bible Reference: John 20:24–29

Is there a little Noah in you?
People probably thought Noah was weird for being obedient.

Have you ever:
1. Given Respected to someone that looked less than respectable?
2. Befriended someone that was "different" while everybody else ignored them?
3. Been original when everyone else was mainstream?

Yes? Then you have confidence in God's instructions, just like Noah. Bible Reference: Genesis 8

Is there a little Judge in you? Think you don't judge people?

Have you ever thought:

1. You were better than somebody else because you are a Christian?
2. Thought someone wasn't really a Christian because they didn't practice their belief like you do?

We judge when we criticize people, even silently . . . especially when we're talking about God. Paul reminds us to leave the differences to God and just love each other. Bible Reference: Romans 14:10–13

Is there a little Titus in you? Have you ever advised somebody to "just say no" to any of these?

1. Fighting/Argueing
2. Gossiping
3. Cheating

If you go beyond "just say no" and help friends stay away from the un-Godly things, Titus has nothing on you. Bible Reference: Titus 2:12

YOU Getting To Know YOU !

The object of this is to get to know yourself better based on Scripture. Read each question and select an answer of either A, B, or C. (Be completely honest and no peeking at the Scriptures until you have selected your answer.)

Then read the Scripture based on the selection you have made. You'll be surprised at what you learn about yourself.

Ready? Then let's go!

1. I have to admit, when I make a promise I sometimes:

A. Make it before I know I can keep it.
Go to Proverbs 20:25.

B. Put off carrying it out.
Go to Deuteronomy 23: 21 and 23.

C. Try to get out of keeping it.
Go to Mark 7:9–13.

2. What do you want most in a friend? Somebody who:

A. Will stick up for you?
Go to Proverbs 17:17.

B. Can make you feel better?
Go to Job 2:11–13.

C. Will say, "You can do it!"?
Go to 1 Thessalonians 5:11.

3. When I meet a new person, I tell other people:

A. The good stuff I saw in her/him.
Go to Proverbs 11:27.

B. The not-so-good-stuff I saw in her.
Go to Proverbs 6:16–19.

C. Exactly what happened when I met her.
Go to Proverbs 12:17–19.

4. The consequences of my actions have been:

A. Natural, like a burn from touching the curling iron.
Go to 2 Corinthians 9:6.

B. From another person, like a fellow Christian.
Go to Hebrews 12:11.

C. From God, 
Go to 2 Corinthians 9:7–8.

5. When something comes up between you and a friend, do you:

A. Just leave it alone
Go to Matthew 10:13–14.

B. Go off on the person?
Go to Matthew 18:15–16.

C. Send an email/card/letter to try to work it out?
Go to 1 Corinthians 1:10.

6. It would be hardest for me to:

A. Give up money I saved.
Go to Luke 19:1–9.

B. Serve homeless people at a shelter.
Go to Matthew 25:34–40.

C. Let somebody else do what I so much wanted to do.
Go to Matthew 20:20–28.

7. When I realize I've hurt someone, I:

A. Just Hate myself for it.
Go to Colossians 3:13.

B. Apologize.
Go to Matthew 5:23–24.

C. Try to make up for it.
Go to James 2:14–18.

8. When you think God isn't answering your prayer, do you:

A. Figure He's saying no and give up on it?
Go to Hebrews 10:35–39.

B. Keep waiting and hoping?
Go to Hebrews 6:13–15.

C. Pray some more?
Go to Luke 18:1–8.

Dear God,
Why do I make so many mistakes/mess up when I want to do right?

Like everyone, you have a gap between what you know is right and what you do. It's there because you're human, but you can ask God to help you make your gap smaller. Tell Him about the times where your actions were way different from your beliefs. Then imagine the gap being pushed together by God's power, bringing you closer to Him.

Between You... and Me...

Compassion means you feel so badly for someone you want to help him or her. Have you ever NOT had compassion for someone when you probably should have? What can you do to change so that it never happens again?

Answer:  _________________________________________________

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