Saturday, May 5, 2012

Journaling Part IV: Study Conclusion

~ Journaling Part IV ~

Thus we have come to the conclusion of our study on journaling and the benefits of journaling. My hope is that in doing this study that it will in some small way help you with your current level of self awareness and ultimately deepen your relationship with Christ, your family, your Christian and non-Christian fellowships and your community.

Again; it is my desire that you do this study over a long period of time and not try and rush through it. In fact; it would bring me great joy to know that you might consider the possibility of printing this out and/or saving it to your hard drive to be printed out multiple times to do again and again as you grow in Grace.

It is a long; sometimes painful but always beautiful, journey in discovering yourself and the contributions that you have to share with the world. It is through our many experiences in this life that God shapes and molds us into the people that He knows we can be.

Happy Journaling Dear Readers!
~ L ~


I. Life Purpose Questions

1. What do you feel is your life purpose?

2. What kinds of things would you like to accomplish or have happen in your future?

3. What dreams do you have for your life?

4. What do you feel as if you here on the planet for?

5.  What are human beings on the planet for? (In your view.)

6.  What area do you think you could make a contribution in?

7.  What kinds of things compel you?

8.  What makes your heart sing?


II. Deciding what's important

Everyone has values but few people have sat down and specifically identified them.

The first step in living on purpose is to clarify your values.

Get alone and ask yourself these questions.

Then make a list of the ten most important values that you want to build your life on.

1. What do I value most?

2. What type of person do I want to BE in life?

3. What adjective should I like to describe me?

4. Am I doing what I really care about doing?

5. What is vitally important to me
   ... has some importance
   ... has none?

6. What would I like people to remember about me?

7. If I were to write a letter to my children on what is most important in life, what would I tell them?

8. What in my life is trivial and what is essential?

9. What ideals/dreams/goals should I hold onto and what should I let go of?

10. Where do/did I get my values? 

11. How much of what I'm doing will count 20 years from today?

12. What are the 10 most important values in my life?

III. Scripture passages
(Mediate on these)

1. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you". Mt. 6:33

2. "In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success". Pro. 3:6

3. "Where is the man who fears the Lord? God will teach him how to chose the best. He shall live within God's circle of blessing..." Ps. 25:12

4. "Whoever loves money never has money enough: whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless".  Eccl. 5:10

5. "Beware! Don't always be wishing for what you don't have. For real life and real living are not related to how rich we are". Luke 12:15

6. "the fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that". Prov. 29:25

7. "If you cling to your life, you will lose it, but if you give it up for me, you will find it". Mt. 10:39

* S H A P E

S ~ spiritual gifts
H ~ heart (passion)
A ~ abilities
P ~ personality
E ~ experience

IV. Me/Home

Realizing that God planned me before my birth, that He uniquely shaped me for His purpose, I now resolve to live the rest of my life seeking to know and fulfill the life mission God made me for and to rely on His power to accomplish it. As best as I know how I commit my heart, my mind and my will go be used by God anywhere,  any way and at any time. I am God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God has prepared in advance for me to do.

1. How am I doing with creating a climate of love, peace, joy, beauty and order in my home?

2. How can I make Christ more the center of my life?

3. What specific character qualities will I work on this month?

4. How can I better discover and develop my * SHAPE *

5. How can I develop and clarify my Life message?

V. Family

1. How can I make Christ more the center of my family?

2. How can I develop my character at home?

3. How can I best use my * SHAPE * to contribute at home?

4. How can I best communicate my life message to my family?

VI. Church/Internet Fellowship

1.  How can I focus on Christ more in worship?

2.  How can I develop my character through my church/online group?

3.  How can I use my * SHAPE * to contribute in my church/online?

4.  How can I use my Life message to encourage others in my church/online group family?

VII. Work

1.  How can I make Christ more the center of my work?

2.  What character qualities can I develop through my work ?

3.  How can I use my * SHAPE * to make a contribution at work?

4.  How can I communicate my life message to those at work?

VIII. Community

1.  How can I make Christ more the center of my community?

2.  What character qualities can I develop through service in my community?

3.  How can I best use my * SHAPE * to make a contribution to my community?

4.  How can I communicate my life message to my community?