Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Journaling Part II.

~ Journaling Part II. ~

Here you will find a series of 60 questions for you to explore within your Journal writing. These are especially good when you hit a snag in your writing. Please do not rush through and answer each question. Take them one by one and explore your thoughts and then render a completely honest answer. You may find that as time passes you will be able to answer each of these questions over and over again as you grow in the Lord!

Journal Questions

1.  What am I afraid of?


2.  How much do I self sabotage?


3.  What wrong in my life?

4.  What road block have I encountered in my life?


5.  What do I need to confess?


6.  What is my unhealthy method of escape?


7.  What is the root cause of my anger?


8.  What do I need to surrender?

9.  How do I try to steal God's glory?


10.  What is my prized excuse?


11.  What's confused in my life?


12.  What would I like to change about myself?


13.  What baggage am I carrying that I don't want?


14.  What current activity might be a distraction?


15.  What in my life needs further clarification?


16.  What are a few of my talents or skills?


17.  What are two of my best personal qualities?


18.  What weakness of mine has God turned in to a strength?


19.  What are my spiritual gifts?

20.  What makes me happy- what brings me joy?


21.  What going on in my quiet time with the Lord?


22.  How does God get through to me?



23.  What are my hobbies?


24.  What has been my favorite job, ministry, or community or opportunity?


25.  Weighing ever thing what do I want out of life?


26.  Other than God and my family , what do I value most?


27.  What do I want to be doing for God ten years from now?


28.  How would I spend my last week on earth?


29.  To whom had God called me to?


30.  What is my greatest hope or deepest longing?


31.  What consequences have I faced from a life mistake?


32.  How did God use crisis or a problem to bring good into my life?


33.  Who is my hero or role model?

34.  What was a turning point in my life?


35.  Where have I searched for significance?


36.  How do I define success?

37.  What's right in my life?


38.  Where is my current mission field?


39.  What is missing in my life?


40.  What do I need to learn?

41.  What do I regret?

42.  What have I learned from one of my failures?

43.  What's my motive for ______________ (sewing or other hobby)?

44.  When have I persevered?

45.  How balanced is my life?


46.  How often do I laugh?

47.  What am I most grateful for?

48.  What comment or conversation has had a great impact on me?

49.  Who is in my professional ministerial or emotional net work?


50.  When have I taken a quantum leap of faith?


51.  What equipping do I still need for Gods work?


52.  When have I obeyed God?



53.  How do I prioritize my roles and goals?


54.  Starting today how can I better prepare for God's purpose in my life?


55.  How is God developing my character?


56.  What strength of mine could easily become a weakness?


57.  What ingrained believe do I need to challenge?


58.  In what situation was God's power evident to you?


59.  When have I experienced God's timing in my life?


60.  In what circumstances has God been faithful to me?