Tuesday, March 26, 2013

And It Was Passover 2013

The Passover of The Lord
Christ's blood shed for our accord

For the History of Passover; please read:


Also Read: "The Art of Foot Washing"


When Israel left Egypt
God said to celebrate,
For He would 'deliver' them their firstborn sons
and to Him they'd dedicate.

He passed over them
when He saw the blood,
As it showed Him their OBEDIENCE
in doing what they should!

For Pharaoh had refused
to let God's people go,
Now he would be reaping
exactly what he did sow.

Yet today we celebrate
our deliverance from SIN,
For the Blood of JESUS
covers every stain within.

As we have obeyed His call
and taken JESUS as our Savior,
So He could 'bring us out'
of all our  sin behavior.

Now, remember, as you celebrate
what EASTER'S all about,
The observance of The 'LAMB' of God
Who frees you of all DOUBT!

Doubts about your 'salvation'
and doubts about His Love for you,
As God sent CHRIST for this very purpose
if your search for HIM is really true.

Now BLESS His Holy Name
and please do not forget,
He has 'forgiven' you
and paid your final debt.

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