Monday, February 27, 2012

Daily Garden Prayer

Precious Abba Father,

Thank You for joining us each day here within Your- The King's Garden. We pray that You, Jesus and The Holy Spirit will come and dwell here every day until You call us Home. Come angels of the heavenly realm! We welcome you among us.

Thank You for allowing us this time to get our Garden Trellis raised up so that all who enter will enter with Thanksgiving and Praise in their hearts. This is what the Bible tells us to do: "Enter through the gates with praise and thanksgiving" and we Praise You and are so very Thankful for the bounty that fills our lives. Each day as we enter through the garden gate our hearts will be filled with Praise and Thanksgiving for You alone are worthy of that and so much more.

Bless this place of serenity and refuge for all that are weary and in need of a cool drink from the river of life; as the Bible tells us "Come unto me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest". We will share all of our gifts and all of our bounty as the Bible tells us "Give and it will be given to you"

We will lift Your Name on High.

In our hearts we shall wear our best gardening hats. Adorned with fresh flowers. We are the Brides of Christ that await our Kinsman Redeemer. Our Lamps are Filled with Oil at all times. Our eyes ever look towards the sky; ever awaiting that Glorious Appearing. We shall toil the soil and tend the vines with our voices once again filled with a girlish giggles. We shall chase after the butterflies, the hummingbirds and hold wonderful conversations with ladybugs. Hear the tinkling sounds of our many wind-chimes. Such sweet melodies that fills the air.

Father please allow this to be a magical place of escape from the world that threatens so often to overwhelm us. May we all run towards the garden gate for refuge. May we recognize and bring others that are in need of rest in the shadow of Your mighty wings of Grace and Love. 

We pray that You, Father God use this place to minister to us; to show us a more excellent way to be. Finally Father; as we leave the Garden and sign off of our computers; fill our hearts, minds and spirits with the "peace that surpasses all understanding" May our continence reveal to the world "Here is the way; walk yea in it"

Bless this Place Dear God as we seek to bring Glory to Your Name.
In His Name and in His Service We All Pray,
Amen and Amen.

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